Hazel Clerkin

BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy


Care & OT Report
Spinal Injury
Brain Injury
Visual Impairment
Pain Management
Mental Health
Long Term Conditions
OT Reports

Professional Qualifications & Memberships

BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy

BA(Hons) Psychology

ApprovedDisability Analyst

British Association on OccupationalTherapists

Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

British Association on Brain Injury Case Management (BABICM)

Case Management Society UK (CMSUK)


Hazel has extensive skills and experience in directing and overseeing a rehabilitation company the last 4years. She also has experience in Complex Case Management, Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Disability Analysis, Medical and Functional Reports. Her career in the caring health profession is her passion. She completed a degree in Psychology and gained extensive work experience in many evidence based psychological therapies such as Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Hazel has also become established in Occupational Health Assessments including functional capacity assessments.

She has gained invaluable experience as an Occupational Therapist in areas such as neurorehabilitation and multiple and complex health conditions.

She has developed services within the NHS and facilitated cultural changes with the use of standardised assessments and outcome measures within multi-disciplinary teams to facilitate person-centred, high quality, measurable rehabilitation packages.

Additionally, she has practised as a Senior Community Mental Health Case Manager for children and adults experiencing enduring and complex mental health conditions. This role involved working with the recovery model using best practice guidance to assist with cohesive care coordination in collaboration with clients and their carers. Implementing holistic assessment, evidence-based therapy, goal setting, carers assessments and education programs.