Lucy Harrison

BSc (Hons) Nursing, Brain Injury Nursing Expert


Care Reports
Brain Injury
Long Term Conditions
Dementia Care
Cerebral Palsy

Professional Qualifications & Memberships

·        BSc (Hons) Nursing, University of Manchester

·        Member of the Royal College of Nursing

·        Member of the Nursing & Midwifery Council


Lucy is a highlyexperienced complex needs nurse with over 12 years’ experience in both the NHSand private sector, supporting complex brain injury clients and childrendiagnosed with cerebral palsy.  

Lucy is dedicatedto improving the lives of clients, providing comprehensive INAs (initial needsassessments) and highlighting both current needs and future goals. In her roleas a Case Manager, Lucy formulates and develops care plans, appoints andoversees care delivery, maintains and manages multidisciplinary teams, andprovides ongoing liaison between clients and their treatingclinicians/therapists.  ​

Lucy was also anursing clinical lead, leading a team of multidisciplinary health professionalsworking with complex brain injury, complex neurological disorders, andvulnerable adults. This skillset has enabled Lucy to manage long term complexcases effectively, whilst providing client centred support.

​Lucy has a broadbackground in nursing, which gives her the experience to prepare reports for complexand catastrophic clients, from brain injury to complex orthopaedic injuries.Lucy specialises in complex injury particularly ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) andTBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), supporting both children and adults.  

Lucy hasundertaken expert witness training and understands the responsibilities of anexpert witness under the Civil Procedure Rules pertaining to expert witness andpart 35.